讲座题目:University, Research in Korea
讲座地点:软件学院教学楼 217
讲座教授:W. H. Kwon (權 旭 鉉)
汉城国立大学 教授
韩国工程院 副院长
IEEE Fellow
第三世界科学院 院士
国际自动化联合大会(IFAC) 主席
Important relationship between China and Korea will be briefly reviewed. Then
Seoul National University will be introduced with key statistics and compared with
Tsinghua University. The core research team in the university will be introduced
with an example of CISL (Control Information Systems Laboratory) managed by the
speaker. Importance of integrated efforts on papers, patents, software packages,
and even startup companies is emphasized. Major efforts of CISL will be explained
in areas of the control theory, the CAD (computer aided design) software package,
the digital controller design, and the computer network. It will be explained how
these efforts lead to startup companies by taking examples of startup companies
founded by former students of CISL. The National support systems for university
startups are explained, along with that of Seoul National University. Importance
of cooperation between universities is stressed.