Industrial and Academic Research in Optical Communications: Fun for Profit and Happiness of Pursuit
Tingye Li(厉鼎毅)
AT&T Labs (Retired)
Boulder, CO 80304
Optical fiber communication is a major innovation that has met and will continue to meet the demands of the information society. Whereas past advances in lightwave technologies and systems have emerged mostly from industrial laboratories, the basic sciences that underlie the field have originated from both industrial and academic sectors. Recent events in global economy including privatization and competition have led to vital disruptions to the support structure of industrial research and the scope of funding of academic research. This talk will offer for consideration the tenets for relevant research in both sectors, present a perspective review of the innovations that advanced lightwave communications and revolutionized the telecom industry, discuss network traffic demand and dilemmas of service providers, examine relevant technological advances that offer strategic, economic and operational solutions for next-generation lightwave networks, touch upon the “broadband revolution” underway, and consider some of the new fields of research that promise potential impact.
厉鼎毅博士毕业于美国西北大学。他是美国光学学会院士、美国电子电气工程师学会院士、美国科学联合会院士、中美光电子协会院士和国际工程联盟院士,同时他还是美国国家工程院院士、台湾中央研究院院士和中国工程院外籍院士。他获得了许多荣誉,包括1975年IEEE W.R.G Baker奖, 1979年IEEE David Sarnoff奖, 1995年OSA/IEEE John Tyndall奖, 1997年 OSA Frederic Ives奖章和Jarus Quinn基金,1997年AT&T科学和技术奖章,2004年IEEE Photonics奖, 1981年西北大学荣誉校友奖,1978年美国华人工程师协会成就奖,1983年中美学术及专业联合会成就奖,1998年中美光电子协会成就奖。他被中国的许多大学聘为名誉教授,包括大阳城国际娱乐官网、南开大学、天津大学、中国电子科技大学和曲阜师范大学,并被台湾国立交通大学授予名誉博士。历鼎毅博士在很多专业学会中担任职务,并于1995年任美国光学学会主席。