[9.20上] 光子晶体发明人之一SAJEEV JOHN教授学术报告会


光子晶体发明人之一Prof.SAJEEV JOHN学术报告会

报告题目: Photonic Band Gap Materials: Engineering the Fundamental Properties of Light

报 告 人: Prof. SAJEEV JOHN

报告时间: 9月20日 上午 9:30

报告地点: 大阳城国际娱乐官网信息科技大楼(FIT)多功能厅 (大阳城国际娱乐官网东门内西侧第一座楼)

主办单位: 大阳城国际娱乐官网大阳城国际娱乐官网

联 系 人: 电子工程系:黄翊东 62783389yidonghuang@tsinghua.edu.cn


Sajeev John is a “University Professor” at the University of Toronto and Government of Canada Research Chair holder. He received his Bachelors degree in physics in 1979 from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and his Ph.D. in physics at Harvard University in 1984. His Ph.D. work at Harvard introduced the theory of classical wave localization in disordered systems and in particular the localization of light in strongly scattering dielectrics. From 1984 –1986 he was a NSERC postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania as well as a laboratory consultant to the Corporate Research Science Laboratories of Exxon Research and Engineering from 1985-1989.

From 1986-1989 he was an assistant professor of physics at Princeton University. While at Princeton, he co-invented (1987) the concept of photonic band gap materials. He was a laboratory consultant to Bell Communications Research (Red Bank, NJ) in 1989. In the fall of 1989 he joined the senior physics faculty at the University of Toronto. He has been a principal investigator for Photonics Research Ontario, a Canadian center of excellence and is an associate member of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research.

Dr. John received the 1996 Herzberg Medal of the Canadian Association of Physicists, the first ever McLean Fellowship of the University of Toronto in 1996, the 1997 Steacie Prize in Science and Engineering of the National Research Council of Canada, the 2004 Rutherford Medal of the Royal Society, and the first ever Brockhouse Canada Prize in 2004. He has also received the Killam Fellowship of the Canada Council, the Guggenheim Fellowship (USA), the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Fellowship, and the Humboldt Senior Scientist Award (Germany). He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, the Optical Society of America, the Royal Society of Canada, and the Max-Planck Society of Germany.

Professor John is the winner of the 2001 King Faisal International Prize in Science, which he shared with C. N. Yang. He is also the first ever winner of Ontario’s Platinum Medal for Science and Medicine in 2002.