[9.12] 电子系学术报告

报告题目:A Unified Perspective and New Results on RHT Computing, Mixture Based Learning, and A General Problem Solving Paradigm


香港中文大学讲座教授、IEEE Fellow、国际模式识别学会Fellow、欧洲科学院院士


报告地点:FIT 1-312


联系人:丁晓青教授 (62784033)


On one hand, multiple object detection approaches of Hough transform (HT) and Randomized HT types have been extended into an evidence accumulation featured general framework for problem solving, with five key mechanisms elaborated and several extensions of HT and RHT presented. On the other hand, another framework is proposed to integrate typical multi-learner based approaches for problem solving, particularly on Gaussian mixture based data clustering and local subspace learning, multi-sets mixture based object detection and motion estimation, and multi-agent coordinated problem solving. Typical learning algorithms, especially those based on Rival Penalized Competitive Learning (RPCL) and Bayesian Ying-Yang (BYY) learning, are summarized from a unified perspective with new extensions. Furthermore, the two different frameworks are not only examined with one viewed crossly from a perspective of the other, with new insights and extensions, but also further unified into a general problem solving paradigm that consists of five basic mechanisms in terms of acquisition, allocation, amalgamation, admission, and affirmation}, or shortly A5 paradigm.


徐雷 (香港中文大學講座教授、IEEE Fellow、國際模式識別學會Fellow、歐洲科學院院士), 75年起當工人,後考入哈工大77級獲學士,續入清華大學獲碩士,再師從已故著名資訊科學家常迥院士於86年完成博士論文。87年入北京大學在已故著名數學家程民德院士和已故資訊科學家石青雲院士的指導下做博士後,88年成爲北大破格提拔的副教授之一。89年至93年,在芬蘭、加拿大、美國之四所大學(包括哈佛和麻省理工)為博士後、訪問科學家、高級研究員,於93年返香港任高級講師、96年任教授、02年任講座教授。二十餘年來在模式識別、神經網絡、統計學習中多個方向从事研究。發表的學術論文之被引用總量,據 SCI-Expanded(SCI)逾1500而據 Google Scholar (GS) 逾2500。前十篇論文的被引用總量逾900(SCI)和逾1800(GS)。最大單篇被引用量達316(SCI)或678(GS),其餘9 篇的單篇被引用量都分佈在 41-109(SCI)或 58-178(GS)之間。還被國外30餘本學術專著或教科書收入或引述。應邀在國際主要學術大會做大會報告/特邀報告/學術講座40餘次。獲清華大學優秀博士論文獎、中國自動化學會88年會青年優秀論文獎、88年北京青年科技獎、88年第一屆國家教委霍英東青年教師獎,93年國家自然科學四等獎、95年獲國際神經網絡學會帶頭人獎。00年11月當選IEEE Fellow, 02年當選國際模式識別學會Fellow和歐洲科學院院士。此外,94年起被聘爲學術期刊Neural Networks之首個華人副編;94年也被聘IEEE Trans Neural Networks之副編,還被聘其他五個國際學術期刊之副編。曾任國際神經網絡學會理事、亞太地區神經網絡學會主席、IEEE神經網絡學會計算金融學術委員會主任。現任IEEE計算智能學會Fellow委員會成員。