[重要通知] 国家实验室公开招聘启事





一、 国家实验室主任 (1人)及副主任(4人)



计算机科学与人工智能研究部 主任 1人

通信系统与网络研究部 主任 1人

光电子学研究部 主任 1人

复杂网络化系统研究部 主任 1人

微纳电子学研究部 主任 1人

下一代互联网研究部 主任 1人

网格技术研究部 主任 1人

普适计算研究部 主任 1人

生物信息学研究部 主任 1人

公共平台与技术部 主任 1人

技术创新与开发部 主任 1人


(1)具有为信息科学技术领域发展和国民经济建设艰苦创业的事业心和责任感;(2)学术上,在海内外具有一定影响,能够把握学科领域的发展方向,具有开拓创新意识,思路开阔,能够带领一支队伍从事前沿性科学研究工作,其成果具有国际先进水平或能推进国家信息化建设发展;(3)具有科研管理能力和相应阅历,作风正派,既能坚持原则和学术主张,力排众议,又能与人团结协作和谐共事;(4)一般应在原单位获得正教授或其它相应职位; (5)身体健康。



2. 发表的5篇代表性论著的抽印本或复印件;

3. 相关证明材料(包括:学历及学位证书、专业技术职务证书复印件、已取得的重要科研成果证明等)、本人近期2寸证件照1张;

4. 三位教授级国内外同行的推荐信函。




1.报名截止时间:2005年 1月17 日


联系地址: 大阳城国际娱乐官网 信息科学技术大楼

邮政编码: 100084

电子邮件: tnlist@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

联系电话: 86-10-62795788 86-10-62795872

传真: 86-10-62795871

联 系 人: 张霞 肖立民

大阳城国际娱乐官网 人事处


Position Description

Director of Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology

Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology(TNList)invites applications and nominations for the position of Director, who administers the entire Laboratory and reports directly to the Board of Trustees of TNList.

TNList, managed by Tsinghua University under the auspice of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MST) in China, is one of the National Laboratories established recently in China.

The main research areas include

Computer and Artificial Intelligence

Next-Generation Internet

Communication Systems and Networking

Opto-electronics and Microelectronics

Complex Systems and Optimization

Scientific Discovery by Information Technology

The Director will play a pivotal role in planning and execution of the strategies for TNList and is responsible for leading all TNList programs, activities, and services, especially in academic issues and management. The Director is charged with developing a research infrastructure and environment which are favorable to scientific discovery and technical innovation. The Director is to establish and maintain strong and active relationship with government, business and industry communities, and other education and research institutions.

Minimum qualifications of the position include: an earned doctorate in an appropriate discipline to science and technology; with credentials as a tenured professor or equivalency; reasonable experience in academic administration. The successful candidate should have a strong record of scientific accomplishments. Managerial experience in a multidisciplinary research program(s) would be highly desirable. The Director will be required to work full time at TNList, i.e., at least 9 months per year excluding holidays and school breaks.

Applicants should send in an application form,reprints or copies of five representative papers, copies of required credential proofs (diploma or degree certificate, professional qualifications, and awards, etc.), and at least three references by leading experts in your area. The submission deadline is Jan. 17, 2005. Online submission can be considered by sending E-mail to the following address first.

Contact information

Address: Tsinghua University

Beijing, China 100084

Phone: +86-10-62795788, +86-10-62795872

Fax: +86-10-62795871

Email: tnlist@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Contacting persons: ZHANG Xia, XIAO Limin

Position Description

Division Directors of Tsinghua National Laboratory for Information Science and Technology(TNList)

Positions for directors at the following divisions of TNList are available and potential candidates are solicited to submit applications.

1. Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Division

2. Communication Systems and Networking Division

3. Opto-electronics Division

4. Complex Systems and Optimization Division

5. Microelectronics and Nanoelectronics Division

6. Next-Generation Internet Division

7. Grid Computing Technology Division

8. Pervasive Computing Division

9. Bioinformatics Division

10. Common Platform and Technology Division

11. Technical Innovation and Development Division

The division director is charged with responsibilities which include:

1. Provides leadership in research strategy and activities, and proactively seeks opportunities to expand and strengthen academic programs. Other duties:

long-term planning of division missions

assuring timely execution of programs

management of daily operation

interacting with other divisions for a broad, multidisciplinary research and development

2. Contributes to the establishment and implementation of related division goals and objectives; determines the direction and quality of personnel and programs, and encourages innovations that lead to the development of new opportunities for the division.

3. Interfaces with other parts and programs of the Laboratory. Acts as a primary spokesperson to the scientific community and to the public for the Laboratory’s programs.

The candidate should have an advanced formal education, extensive research experience, and recognition in a relevant scientific field. Adequate technical knowledge and experience for program management is required with considerable ability to interact and communicate with others in a wide range of scientific and technical professions. The candidate needs to demonstrate strong skill in identifying research opportunities that are in line with Laboratory core competencies.

Applicants should send in an application form, reprints or copies of five representative papers, copies of required credential proofs (diploma or degree certificate, professional qualifications, and awards, etc.) and at least three references by leading experts in your area. The submission deadline of application is Jan. 17, 2005.

Contact information

Address: Tsinghua University

Beijing, China 100084

Phone: +86-10-62795788, +86-10-62795872

Fax: +86-10-62795871

Email: tnlist@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

Contacting persons: ZHANG Xia, XIAO Limin