NYU的Li Jinyang博士将于5月16日(周二)上午10点作题为"Peer-to-peer research: tools and applications"的报告,介绍P2P网络特别是分布式哈希表(DHT)的概貌、应用和发展前景。恭请各位老师通知感兴趣的老师和同学参加。
报告人Li Jinyang博士即将前往NYU就职,她毕业于MIT,目前在Berkeley进行博士后研究。她是Chord、OverCite等多个开创性项目的主要参与者。
学 术 报 告
报告人:Jinyang Li
报告题目:Peer-to-peer research: tools and applications
时间:5月16日(星期二)上午 10:00
地点:FIT 1-101
Peer-to-peer system has been a popular research topic in the past 5 years. In particular, Distributed Hash Tables (DHTs) have been hailed as a powerful tool to build a variety of peer-to-peer applications (content distribution networks, Usenet news etc.) In this talk, I present the lessons learnt in building a robust and high performance DHT (Chord/DHash) and our experiences in using it for real world applications such as OverCite, a cooperative digital library.
I also discuss the challenges of using DHTs to build open peer-to-peer applications on voluntary networks and suggest a different way to structure the network to overcome DHTs' limitations.
Jinyang Li is an assistant professor at New York University. She holds a M.S and Ph.D. from MIT where she has worked on peer-to-peer systems (Chord/DHash), wireless ad hoc networks (Grid) and information retrieval systems (OverCite). From 05-06, she works as a postdoctoral researcher at UC Berkeley. Her current research interests include designing peer-to-peer applications for open networks, deploying wireless mesh networks and securing networked applications.