96th lecture of Tsinghua Information Forum

The No. 96 lecture of Tsinghua Information Forum-NEC 3 was held on December 17th, 2012 at the Lecture Hall of FIT Building. Professor Fei-Fei Li from Stanford University and Professor Pietro Perona from California Institute of Technology gave the talks titled “Scaling Up Object Recognition: What have we done, and where are we going?” and “Visipedia: collaborative organization of visual knowledge”, with a theme on large-scale vision data processing. This forum was organized by Jun Zhu, an associate professor at the Department of Computer Science and Technology. More than 120 students and faculties attended the lecture. ach talk was followed by about 30 minutes’ discussions.

This forum will play a positive role to boost the collaborations with Standard and Caltech, both of which have world-class computer science departments.And the two professors are the specialists in the field of vision research.