79th lecture of Tsinghua Information Forum

On October 17th, Dr. K. J. Ray Liu, Professor of University of Maryland , professional in signal processing gave a talk on “Green Wireless Communications: A Time-Reversal Paradigm” in FIT 1-315.. In this talk, Dr. Liu first introduced the background and the emergence of "Green Communication" concept, then he pointed out that a green wireless must met two basic requirements: one was low energy consumption (environmental concerns) and the other was low radio pollution to others (health concerns) besides the intended transmitter and receiver. After that, Dr. Liu introduced the time-reversal (TR) signal transmission technique. He showed that due to TR’s inherent nature to fully harvest energy from the surrounding environment by exploiting the multi-path propagation to re-collect all the signal energy that would have otherwise been lost in most existing communication paradigms, it was an ideal paradigm for green wireless communications. In the end of the talk, Dr. Liu answered the audiences’ questions.

On October 20th, Dr. Min Wu, Professor of University of Maryland, professional in information forensics and security, gave a talk titled “Technical Trends and Graduate Studies in Signal Processing: An Interactive Exchange” in FIT 3-125. In the first part of report, Dr. Wu first gave an overview on the technical trends of information forensics and security. Then she highlighted several research areas related to signal processing and pattern recognition. In the second part, she used the program at University of Maryland-College Part as an example to introduce graduate programs in the U.S. She also shared her experience as a PhD student and a faculty member to help current and prospective graduate students and visiting scholars better utilize the opportunities available. In the end of the talk, Dr. Wu answered the audiences’ questions.

Dr. K. J. Ray Liu was named a Distinguished Scholar-Teacher of University of Maryland in 2007, where he is Christine Kim Eminent Professor of Information Technology. He leads the Maryland Signals and Information Group conducting research encompassing broad aspects of wireless communications and networking, information forensics and security, multimedia signal processing, and biomedical engineering. Dr. Liu is the recipient of numerous honors and awards including IEEE Signal Processing Society Technical Achievement Award; National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award; best paper awards from IEEE and EURASIP; IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished Lecturer; and EURASIP Meritorious Service Award. A Fellow of the IEEE and AAAS, he is recognized by Thomson Reuters as an ISI Highly Cited Researcher. Dr. Liu is President-Elect of IEEE Signal Processing Society. He was the Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Signal Processing Magazine and the founding Editor-in-Chief of EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing.

Dr. Min Wu received her B.S.E degree in electrical engineering (Automation) and B.A. degree in economics at Tsinghua University. She pursued her graduate study at Princeton University and received her Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering in 2001. She is currently a full professor of electrical and computer engineering in University of Maryland Park college. Dr. Wu leads the Media and Security Team (MAST) at University of Maryland, with main research interests on information security and forensics and multimedia processing. She holds eight U.S. patents and is co-recipient of two Best Paper Awards from the IEEE Signal Processing Society and EURASIP, respectively. She has been elected Vice President-Finance of the IEEE Signal Processing Society, and Vice Chair of IEEE Technical Committees on Information Forensics and Security.