The No.76 lecture of Tsinghua Information School Forum was held in FIT1-312 on June 13. Professor Anant Agarwal from EECS at MIT, was invited by Dean of Research Institute of Information Technology to give a lecture on "The Future of Manycore Processors ". In the lecture, he first introduced the running features of typical web-server applications, then provided the scalable manycore architecture using 2D-mesh Network on Chip (NoC). Take the 64-core TILERA processor as an example, Professor Agarwal described the crucial techniques of a manycore processor, including the high performance NoC, the Cache coherence policy, and the parallel tasks based programming models. This lecture is hosted by Professor Shaojun Wei, the Vice Dean of SIST and the Director of Institute of Microelectronics of Tsinghua University. More than 60 faculty members and students attended.
Professor Anant Agarwal received his Ph.D. degree from Stanford University. Currently, He is a professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT and a member of CSAIL. He leads the Carbon project focusing on the research of operating systems and architectures for manycores and clouds. He is also a founder and CTO of Tilera Corporation, which created the Tile manycore processor. He led the development of Raw ? an early tiled multicore processor, Sparcle ? an early multithreaded microprocessor, and Alewife?a scalable multiprocessor. For his outstanding contributions, Agarwal won the Maurice Wilkes prize for computer architecture, and MIT’s Smullin and Jamieson prizes for teaching.