【课程名称】全球创新战略(课程号 00160073,3学分)
【主讲教师】南加州大学Stephen Lu教授
iPodia创始人,南加大终身讲席教授,北京大学创新学院创始人,南加大David Packard基金终身教授,2014 QS Stars全球教育创新最佳学习科技应用奖。
The lead university of this 2015 fall iPodia course is:
RWTH Aachen University (Aachen) in Aachen, California USA
- The targeted enrollment at Aachen is 20 students (Session A)
University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles, California USA
- The targeted enrollment at USC is 40 students (2 sessions on 1 campus)
Universities which participate in this fall 2015 iPodia class include:
Qatar University (QU) in Doha, Qatar
- The targeted enrollment at QU is 20 students
Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) in Dubai, UAE
- The targeted enrollment at BITS-Dubai is 20 students
Birla Institute of Technology and Science (BITS) in Hyderabad, India
- The targeted enrollment at BITS-Hyderabad is 20 students
National Taiwan University (NTU) in Taipei, Taiwan
- The targeted enrollment at NTU is 20 students
Tsinghua University (THU) in Beijing, China
- The targeted enrollment at THU is 20 students
【课程容量】本科生20人,研究生5人 (不限年级和专业)
- Please read the Syllabus of this course (iPodia Course Syllabus - Fall 2015.pdf) and also visit iPodia website (http://ipodia.usc.edu). Read all related material carefully and compose a Statement of Purpose (500 English words max.) for this course, elaborating your objective in participating this course.
- Submit a CV, including at least the following information: name in English and in Chinese, year of admission to Tsinghua U., primary email address, gender, department, hobbies, and expertise.
- Send all above material to teaching assistant Zhang Zhao-Yu at
2015 Course Calendar Session B.doc
iPodia Course Syllabus - Fall 2015.doc